Green Shropshire Xchange is the Environment network of local groups in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin promoting communication and education on the subjects of Climate Change and Sustainable Living.
The Organisation’s objectives are for the benefit of Shropshire and Telford regions
- To encourage, support, coordinate and work to promote community action to conserve, protect and enhance the environment.
- To encourage, support, coordinate and take action to promote sustainable development by our members, other organisations, businesses and individuals.
- To influence and encourage our members, other organisations, businesses and individuals to maximise positive environmental activities and impacts and reduce, mitigate or eliminate negative environmental impacts and activities.
Membership is open to local businesses, social enterprises and individuals.
You can contact the group through our contact us page.
The 2022 GSX AGM celebrated 10 years of environmental action.
Climate action
GSX is supporting the local campaign for council divestment from fossil fuels, details and suggested letters to send can be found
on the website and facebook page of Fossil Free Shropshire.
GSX is supporting the local town councils on their climate action plans and will be involved with the Shropshire council and Telford and Wrekin council partnerships to reach net zero carbon emissions.
GSX is also represented on the Marches LEP Energy Steering group which is considering
how to implement the Energy strategy for the region.
Local groups will be active on projects such as tree planting. local organic food, waste recycling and sustainable transport.
Climate Workshops organised with the VCSA were held in March 2020 and in October 2021.
The Net Zero Carbon and the Third Sector Briefing Guide and information on the Oct workshops
are available on the Climate Action page.